Grid Impact Study for a Hydro Power Plant in Pidie Regency, Aceh – Indonesia

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  • Grid Impact Study for a Hydro Power Plant in Pidie Regency, Aceh – Indonesia
  • Project Name Grid Impact Study for a Hydro Power Plant in Pidie Regency, Aceh - Indonesia
  • Project Type Grid Impact Study
  • Client PT Andalas Tirta Energi
  • Completion Date 10/01/2022


Akuo Energy, a leading French independent power producer of renewable energy, through its affiliation Andalas Tirta Energi acquired the right to develop Meukup Hydro Power Plant (HPP) project in Meukup River, Geumpang, and Mane Sub-district, Pidie Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The HPP is planned to be connected to the system either via express feeder directly to GH Tangse or via the aforementioned transmission line, and the optimum PoC (Point of Connection) of HPP will be determined in this study. Developing and interconnecting such HPP requires in-depth technical grid study to ensure it meets grid requirements and to guarantee it will not cause a decrease in PLN grid performance.


To determine best connection point location of the Meukup HPP, to determine the feasibility of this project to connect to PLN’s grid, and to confirm that the HPP will be built with no major foreseen risks in terms of Grid Connection. The best connection point will be chosen based on the technical and economical aspect.